How to Take Care of Plumbing Drains and Pipes

Homeowners rarely think about plumbing maintenance as long as it's working correctly.

The plumbing system is one of a home's most frequently used systems. Yet, homeowners rarely think about its maintenance as long as it's working correctly.

While a plumbing system is supposed to last for decades, it still requires upkeep. The following easy maintenance practices can prevent costly failures and extend the lifespan of a plumbing system.

Pay attention to what is disposed of down the drain

The most crucial plumbing maintenance tip every household member can and should live by is to be mindful of what they dispose of down the drains. This issue goes well beyond physical debris. Oil and grease must never be poured down the drain, as they can interact with other substances in the pipes, leading to blockage.

To flush or not to flush

The toilet is no exception to the previous rule. Clogged toilets are one of the most common plumbing mishaps, and it happens all too often because someone flushed something they shouldn't have. Everything beyond human waste and toilet paper is off-limits, even if the packaging says flushable. As they say, don't believe the hype; don't flush that wipe.

Don't stress the garbage disposal

Although the garbage disposal system lowers the chance of food waste blocking the pipes, another essential maintenance tip is to use this appliance as it's meant to be used. Small pieces of (garbage disposal-safe) food are allowed, but large amounts of waste should go in the trash instead. Running plenty of cold water down the drain each time the garbage disposal is used is also recommended.

Get a drain guard

Accidents happen, despite our best intentions. It's easy to prevent physical debris from going down the drain and causing a potential clog. Invest in drain guards for each drain in the house so no hair or other items will have a chance of blocking the pipes.

Clean drains regularly

Cleaning is an integral component of maintenance, but since the plumbing is hidden from sight, it's easy to forget that it requires attention. Despite doing our best, sludge can still accumulate in the pipes over time. Regular cleaning will keep it at bay if the buildup is minor.

Choose cleaning agents wisely

Cleaning can help keep the pipes in good shape, but doing it wrong can damage the plumbing. Chemical cleaners are way too harsh for pipes. Instead, professionals recommend using enzyme-based cleaners at least once every month. Home-based solutions like baking soda and vinegar can fight odor effectively and give the pipes a good cleaning.

Schedule professional cleaning

Learning to care for plumbing drains and pipes is good practice for keeping those systems working effectively. Although plumbing maintenance starts with effort, professional assistance is sometimes more effective. For example, scheduling pipe inspections and cleaning every one to three years is a great way to safeguard against blockages and other issues they may cause. It also helps discover plumbing problems early, before they require costly repairs.

With over 25 years of experience, American Discount Plumbing has offered expert plumbing service and repair in Phoenix Arizona and surrounding cities at affordable rates for both residential and commercial properties. We are a licensed, bonded, and insured plumbing company with thirty-five years of experience in plumbing. From a simple leak to a complete plumbing renovation, we strive to be reliable, honest, professional and all of our work is guaranteed. Call 602-883-2787 today!


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